Lodging Planner for Lake Tahoe Weekend Run - May 18 - 19, 2024

Saturday and Sunday overnight run to South Lake Tahoe. Enjoy the backroads, less traveled, and even more scenic than your usual run up the f...

We Will Know What You Are Eating, Where You Are Going And What to Charge You For It

Reducing dependence on foreign oil has some unusual and unexpected consequences.

One consequence is it has released the imagination of scientists. For example, most tires are created with petroleum based fillers to increase tensile strength. Gas 2.0 reports that the Agricultural Research Service, the scientific research arm of the USDA, is investigating the use of defatted soy flour as an alternative to the petroleum fillers. (We wonder whether hot pavement will produce miso soup.) Yup, we can reduce petroleum consumption and end world hunger through the use of soy tires. (When they fail do you get soba noodles?)

Because Americans are driving less government is receiving less in gasoline taxes. As the US weens itself from oil these taxes will fall further. Thus, governmental entities are floating ideas on how to replace the lost tax revenue.

The federal government, California and Michigan are discussing raising the amount of the gasoline tax to offset the lost income arising from lower gas sales. Oregon, however, sees this as an incomplete solution since the volume of gasoline sales will continue to drop as auto manufacturers bring alternative fuel vehicles to market. Thus, Oregon has proposed, and is seeking to implement, a "Pay As You Go" plan which will track your vehicle by GPS or other means and send you a tax bill based on the number of miles driven. It appears that tire manufacturers may be ready to help implement a "Pay As You Go" plan. Advanced ID Corporation is promoting RFID tags for car tires to allow individual vehicle mileage tracking.

Big Brother is here folks and he is embedded in your tofu tires!