Lodging Planner for Lake Tahoe Weekend Run - May 18 - 19, 2024

Saturday and Sunday overnight run to South Lake Tahoe. Enjoy the backroads, less traveled, and even more scenic than your usual run up the f...

Car And Driver Previews The 2016 MCS Clubman

Car and Driver thinks, in part:
Why It Matters: In the U.S. we fear that it won’t. Selling station wagons is enough of a challenge here in the best of times, let alone a small one that carries the price premium that comes with a Mini badge. But in those parts of the world where tourers still reign—like Europe—this is a sensible move to broaden the appeal of the Mini hatchback. Luggage accommodation is unlikely to be overly generous, but it will still be the most spacious Mini to date for both people and stuff. Mini insiders have hinted that we can also expect to see an all-wheel-drive version later on, which will broaden its appeal still further.