Lodging Planner for Lake Tahoe Weekend Run - May 18 - 19, 2024

Saturday and Sunday overnight run to South Lake Tahoe. Enjoy the backroads, less traveled, and even more scenic than your usual run up the f...

Who Should And Shouldn't Buy A 2016 MCS

Autos Cheat Sheet explores who should and should not buy a 2016 MINI Cooper S. Who shouldn't?:
. . . There are plenty of people out there who like the Subaru Impreza because it holds its resale value, want the Ford Focus because they come from a Ford family, or will stick with a Volkswagen Golf forever because that’s all they’ve ever owned. A Cooper S isn’t for them. Plenty of car buyers don’t find anything fun about cars — they’re just appliances to get from A to B, and the Cooper S’s charm would likely be lost on them. . . .