Lodging Planner for Lake Tahoe Weekend Run - May 18 - 19, 2024

Saturday and Sunday overnight run to South Lake Tahoe. Enjoy the backroads, less traveled, and even more scenic than your usual run up the f...

CarPlay Goes Wireless So MINI Connected Is Doomed?

MotoringFile reports CarPlay, a standard developed by Apple to allow devices running iOS to function with built-in display units of automobile dashboards will, in a pending i0S 9 update, become wireless and compatible with a variety of screens. The site's contacts at MINI:
. . . repeatedly told us that CarPlay is being investigated but we don’t know if it will ever become available. Since BMW competitors (i.e. Mercedes, VW Group) are adopting the system, it’s safe to say that the BMW Group will get there eventually. After investing so much time and resources developing iDrive and MINI Connected, potentially letting these systems go is a tough pill to swallow.
Here is the CarPlay announcement from WWDC 2015 -