Lodging Planner for Lake Tahoe Weekend Run - May 18 - 19, 2024

Saturday and Sunday overnight run to South Lake Tahoe. Enjoy the backroads, less traveled, and even more scenic than your usual run up the f...

Top Gear's First Drive Of A Third Generation JCW

BBC's Top Gear takes a third generation MINI John Cooper Works for a spin and notes about the engine:
It's a terrific engine. First and lasting impression comes from the noise, a keen baritone that goads you when you're accelerating but dies away at a cruise. You're not bothered by lag, but the red-line is a disappointingly low 6500rpm - not that you'll see that on the idiotically tiny rev-counter. That's why you need the exhaust noise, so your ears can gauge the rpm. Even so, you'll probably be shifting up early because the mid-rev torque is so generous.