Lodging Planner for Dunsmuir Railroad Park - Oct. 11 - 13, 2024

  Three days of MINIs, friends, forests, and old railroad cabooses. NOTICE: To all Registered Club Members interested in attending this 3-da...

The End Is Coming This Saturday

Religious end of the world types claim judgment day is this coming Saturday. Ridelust provides these five car tips for the end of days:

1. Steal Something Practical;

2. Stock Up On Gas While The Power’s Still On;

3. Watch For Empty Cars;

4. Stock Up On Road Food; and

5. There’s No Such Thing As Too Much Ammo Or Too Much Coffee.

Ridelust provides its reasoning for each recommendation. However, we have decided to ignore the suggestions and be at the A's vs. Giants game with NorCal MINIs and we're sure rapture will occur for at least one set of fans.